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Juan Mora

Environment Sector

Juan Mora

Brings expertise in developing analysis and implementing innovative environmental solutions to public, private, non-profit organisations and communities for building a better society by creating transformation and advance of the environment sector.



Juan is a consultant at MSEG’s Environment Sector. She works on helping governments, organizations and communities to co-develop innovative social solutions to response their particular needs.
Juan helps private and public sector clients address environmental issues and lower environmental impact in areas such as water pollution, waste, management, air quality, and soil contamination.
Within MSEG he helps clients on development and implementation of corporate sustainability strategies and environmental assessments. He has extensive knowledge on environmental policy and regulations, thus he is able to advise clients in private industry or public government institutions on how to steer clear of possible fines, legal action, or misguided transactions and moreover, how implement and verify social and environmental performance Standards.

Within MSEG-IPAG he contributes to the Climate change analysis focuses on a better understanding of climate change impact on communities’ social and environmental determinants on Health. As a lead of MSEG environment sector, he is working on creating opportunities to identify and document strategies related to reducing carbon footprints, energy transition, sustainability and transformative partnerships.

Juan has worked on projects related to environmental, social and corporate risk management for German agencies and international firms. He is currently collaborating with the European Union Program for Knowledge and Innovation, the Climate -KLC Platform.


Strategies 4 Climate
Co-founder and Environment Consultant

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Climate change and sustainability Advisor

Various positions as Environment Sector Consultant on sustainability, regulatory, policy, Carbon emissions reduction and climate change for various cement, energy, oil & gas and brewing industries in Germany and Colombia.


Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
MBA, Sustainability Management

University of Medellin, Colombia
BEES, Environment Engineering Studies


Waste as a resource: The concept of Circular Economy as a driver of advanced waste management, 2017(SP)

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